Most people enjoy starting their day with a nice, hot cup of coffee to put them in the mood for the day ahead. While the morning cup of coffee is a ‘must’, the brand isn’t all that important, just as long as it is relatively tasty. Some people, however, have more a more refined taste than others, and wouldn’t dream of drinking a brand of coffee that doesn’t meet their exquisite standard. We have put together a list of ten most expensive coffee brands in the world, to give you an idea about how much some people spend on their coffee.
10. Yauco Selecto AA Coffee – $24 / lb
These coffee beans from Puerto Rico retail at $24 per pound. Coffee is a common crop in Puerto Rico. It is grown for both domestic and commercial purposes. So we would expect such a common crop to hit market shelves at a much lower rate, but this is obviously not the case. Coffee grown in the Yauco region, most specifically, is expensive because it is of a higher quality and makes a better blend. It is said that it has such a rich and unique buttery flavor thanks to the nutrient rich clay soil in Yauco region, very high rainfall, higher elevation of the region and of course, better farming techniques.
9. Starbucks Blue Bourbon – $25 / lb
The Starbucks Blue Bourbon coffee beans come from Rwanda. These beans are well known for their incredibly unique flavor. A coffee connoisseur will be able to pick up the highly acidic, butter melt and black cherry flavor that has undertones of spiced nuts. These Rwandan beans’ popularity grew in the global market not only because of their superior taste and flavor, but also because Starbucks planted more farms in a bid to help Rwanda’s economy recover from the genocide. This noble, social mission is still appreciated to date. The coffee retails at $25/lb.
8. Honduras Mi Esperanza Coffee – $35 / lb
While Honduras is really not a famous coffee growing country, it is slowly making its way there. Honduran coffee is however well known for it characteristic blend of fruit, spice, chocolate and nuts flavor. Additionally, it has a strong smell and has no bitter after taste. A recent online auction goes on to prove that Honduras may soon join the league of the coffee producing giants of Central America. In the auction, 1320 lb of coffee from the Mi Esperanza farm was bought by international buyers at a record breaking price of $35 per lb.
7. El Salvador’s Los Planes – $40 / lb
Los Planes coffee is grown in the highly mountainous area of Chalatenango in El Salvador. This award winning coffee brand is cultivated on a privately owned farm by Sergio Ticas. The farm was passed down to him by his father. Its flavors are rich and usually, a unique blend of fruit, chocolate undertones and spice. Finca Los Planes came second in 2006 Cup of Excellence awards and still made it to no. 6 in 2011. This family grown cup of coffee will set you back $40 per pound – which coffee lovers may not find disturbing as the satisfaction is guaranteed.
6. Jamaican Blue Mountain – $49 / lb
Even at $49/lb, this Jamaican beans don’t stay on the shelves for much long. They still sell like hot cakes all over the world. The Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica is mainly grown for export especially to Japan. The beans are grown in a high altitude area that receives very heavy rainfall. They are pulped right after being picked and this influences the coffee’s flavor. This is a brand that is world renowned for its excellence and mild flavor.
5. Fazenda Santa Ines – $50 / lb
There is nothing like a traditionally brewed cup of coffee – one that has been made using age old methods that have withstood the test of time. And no one understands the value of such traditions more than the Fazenda Santa Ines farm. This family operated business uses traditional methods in all stages of coffee production – right from cultivation. They still produce a high quality cup of coffee, just as they did those many years back. The beans are grown in rich and fertile soils that are watered by natural spring water. Thanks to these traditional and natural methods of processing, this coffee has a distinct sweet berry, caramel taste. And for their effort, their beans retail at $50/lb.
4. Hawaii’s Molokai Coffee – $51 / lb
With such a great climate that sets it apart from other states, Hawaii is probably the only place where coffee is grown in US. Hawaii has ideal soil conditions and they are known for their many varieties of coffees. The Molokai coffee is one such variety that has received world wide recognition for its intensely floral aromatic qualities, caramel and berry flavor with notes of herbs. It is also mildly acidic and full bodied. This coffee is produced by Coffees of Hawaii and it is planted on a large plantation in the Kualapu’u area in Maui County. This is not a brand that is easy to find – but if you try hard enough, you can order a pound at $51.
3. The St. Helena Coffee – $79 / lb
The St. Helena coffee is one that can trace its origin to the 19th century during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. It is said that he was so enchanted by the taste and the flavor of the Helena Island coffee that he took to tending to the trees himself. Many people may think that the isolation of St. Helena Island makes the St. Helena Island Coffee Company factor in transport expenses while setting the price of these beans. But this is simply not true. At $79/lb, these high quality coffee beans are in the same league as other high priced coffees. In fact, it is among the top on this list because of its unique floral aroma and taste that is coupled with fresh hints of citrus.
2. Luwak Coffee from Indonesia – $ 160 / lb
This is a really coveted brand of coffee. Its taste and flavor is so unique and enchanting that coffee lovers are more than willing to spend up to $160/lb for a taste of these heavenly beans when freshly brewed. So what makes Luwak coffee such a prize? The secret lies in the selection process. Luwak coffee beans are first ingested by an animal called the civet. During digestion, the beans are fermented and collected from the civets’ dropping. Yes, such is the process that Luwak coffee must undergo so that we may enjoy its unmatched flavors. It is this fermentation process and the work of digestive enzymes on these beans that refines its taste. So now you know where your favorite coffee beans have been.
1. Hacienda La Esmeralda from Panama – $350 / lb
For 13 times, since 2004, the Hacienda La Esmeralda coffee beans have won world wide awards of excellence. Furhtermore, this exquisite coffee grown in Panama continues to break world records to this day – it was the most expensive coffee at an auction in 2013 when it was sold for $350/lb. Coffee lovers cannot get enough of this very rare coffee that is grown in such small quantities under guava trees on Mt. Baru. Surely, its rarity must contribute to its exorbitant price tag. However, coffee connoisseurs swear by this exquisite brand of coffee and consider it a delicacy that must be savored at least once in a lifetime.
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