To condition or not to condition, to oil or not to oil – when it comes to your hair you’ll find all kinds of advice. Mothers’ will tell you to “oil your hair” while your hair dresser will recommend the new IT thing “hair spa, Moroccan oil, strengthening not rebounding and all.” Before you pick your choice of treatment, here are a few basic tips how to maintain healthy hair that you must know.
The first step in hair-care is your diet and the two most important things in your diet are iron and protein. The hair cells are the fastest growing cells in the body but they are also the first ones to be affected you don’t eat right or suffer with deficiencies because they are not required for survival.
Try and include iron-rich foods like leafy vegetables, fish, pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpea, soybeans and cereals in your diet. Doctors suggest that you consume around 12 mg of iron daily. You also need protein because that’s what strengthens your hair. Include complete proteins which are also rich in amino acids: like cheese, milk, soy, lentils, peas, quinoa and yogurt.
How to Maintain Healthy Hair: A Few Basic Tips
1. It’s normal to lose 100 to 150 strands of hair a day so don’t panic when you see a small bunch crawling across your tiled floor.
2. Comb wet hair with extreme care because they’re fragile and prone to breakage. Take a broad toothed comb and run it from the roots to the ends of your hair as gently as possible.
3. Trim your hair every few weeks to get rid of those brown and rough split ends. Cut about 1/4th an inch of your hair every 6 to 8 weeks to avoid the split ends to grow out again.
4. Don’t wash your hair everyday and whenever you do, apply some conditioner on the ends. Try and use the same brand of shampoo and conditioner.
5. Rinse the conditioner off with cold water as it is good for both strength and shine.
6. Unlike the labels on the back of our food items, the labels on the back of our shampoos are mostly left unread. In the last few years, there has been a lot of focus on sulfate in shampoos. What are sulfates? They’re the reason your shampoo lathers the way it does. They clean your scalp and hair, departing the dirt from it.
But some researchers also suggest that they strip your hair of essential oils. They’re also why your eye stings when shampoo runs down the side of your face. If you feel any kind of irritation on the scalp or find your hair drying up over time then try and buy a shampoo that’s sulfate-free.
7. If you’ve got dry hair then it’s best to avoid coloring. However, if you can’t resist that gorgeous shade of brown, especially under the winter sun then follow this clever advise shared on the blog Free People:
Use lemon, chamomile tea or honey as they work as great hair lighteners. You can add lemon juice to water and spray it over your hair when you’re heading out. You can rinse your hair with brewed chamomile tea after you wash them with shampoo or add honey to the water you use to wash your hair.Besides these basic tips, here are few home-remedies that’ll take you a long way. From home-made masks to heat protecting serums, we’ve got it all.
Deep Conditioning
Even though you condition your hair after every wash, nothing quite works as good as deep conditioning. Every once in a while wash your hair with shampoo, squeeze out the extra water and towel dry it. Then take generous amounts of conditioner and apply it right to the root of your hair. Use a broad toothed comb and run it through your hair to make sure the conditioner reaches everywhere. Now, pull them up and clip them together. Leave the conditioner in for anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour. Pull them down, rinse thoroughly and enjoy silky smooth hair.
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