10 Exercises that Burn the Most Calories
We all want more for less, right? Whether it’s a good deal on a new TV, free postage when you shop online or bargains at the supermarket. The same goes for exercise – we’re all time poor and if you’ve been at work all day, running on a treadmill for an hour sounds like a workout you’d rather avoid.
Thankfully, there’s 10 moves that will have you burning maximum calories in minimum time, and we’ve rounded them all up in one spot.
1. Cycle class
Cycling is one of the best cardio exercises to slim down, tone up and burn fat fast. Move to the music, crank up the resistance and sprint your heart out and you can burn up to 400-600 calories a single 45 minute class.
2. Burpees
Most people love to hate burpees, but they’re arguably one of the best full body exercises you can do. There’s a few different versions depending on your fitness level and you’ll burn between 8 and 14 calories per minute!
3. Jumping squats
Part of the plyometric family, squat jumps take the humble squat to the next calorie-burning level. If you’ve got a spare 10 minutes and want to burn a cheeky 100 calories, try 30 jumping squats with a 30 second rest in between each set.
4. BodyAttack
BodyAttack really does attack fat and burn calories fast! The high-intensity cardio workout lasts for about 50 minutes and can burn more than 700 calories, depending on how hard you sweat.
5. Stepmill
If it pays to take the stairs instead of the elevator, then you’ll hit the calorie-burning jackpot with a stepmill session. Swap between fast and slow intervals and you will burn over 300 calories in 30 minute. You’ll tone your thighs, glutes and calves in the process, too!
6. Rowing
If you get bored on thetreadmill, swap it for the rower. You’ll burn more claories – about 260 in 30 minutes – because the movement requires effort from both your upper and lower body.
7. Kettlebells
The only other workout which burns as many calories is cross country skiing, uphill and at a really fast pace! Youcan burn up to 600 calories in just 30 minutes under the watchful eye of a qualified kettlebell instructor.
8. Interval training
Let’s face it, we’re all time poor and if you’ve been at work all day, running on a treadmill for an hour sounds like a workout you’d rather avoid. The great news is that HIIT training ranges from just 18 to 27 minutes per session, and you can get the same results as jogging for an hour at a steady pace.
9. Skipping
Who would have thought a childhood pastime could burn so many calories?! Just 10 minutes of jumping rope provides the same fitness benefits as a 30-minute run! If you want to get really tricky – try cross-overs or double-unders.
10. Boxing
Boxing is one of the best ways to stay fit, and for good reason. Punching off the pounds on a heavy bag can burn between 354 and 558 calories per hour! It’s got serious celeb factor too, with 45-year-old Helena Christensen recently crediting boxing for keeping her former supermodel body in shape!
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