Cats are very sensitive about leaving the place where they spend major part of their lives. They do not object with the fact that you will be at work away from home for a few hours. They know very well that you will come home at the end of the day and feed them. Cats are completely dependent upon the person they stay with every day. They understand very well the significance of a bag or suitcase being packed. It becomes clear to them that the person that they love the most and on whom they depend on so much is about to go away.
Home versus catteries
The whole idea of being left behind becomes difficult for them while you are on business trips or vacations. It becomes all the more problematic for them if they have to leave their home and live in catteries. Home may be a good place to stay during the absence of their owners. But who is going to feed them and look after them at home? The neighbors and friends do not possess the expertise to take care of them while you are away. A good option would be to leave your cat at the nearest catteries or even better at a cat accommodation.
Accommodation for cats
The people who love and care for their cat do not prefer to leave them behind at any catteries. They always have the concern of their cat getting proper care. They think that the cat may catch some infection from other cats. They doubt that the cat will neither get the exercise nor to the fun that they are accustomed of having. Grooming of the cats might not be proper or done at all. The cats will miss their favorite food while they are at the catteries. They will not get the special care that they get at home. All these misgivings could be cleared if you leave your cat at cat accommodation near your home.
Amenities available at cat accommodation
A cat can fully enjoy its stay at the cat accommodation because.-
- A feeling of being at home is there
- Special grooming is available
- The food is arranged depending on what the cat likes
- The cat gets special medication if required
- The cat can freely roam and explore the grounds that are secure
- They can mix with other cats if the like and can remain undisturbed if they choose to
- Special arrangements are available for cats aged 11 and above
- The cat is picked up from its home in customized air-conditioned vehicles
A feeling of home
The cat feels relaxed when it gets a feeling of home that it has left behind. It can roam about the room, explore every corner, and take a good nap on a comfortable hammock or just gaze at the garden through the window. The esthetic sense of your cat will be satisfied with the clean and pure light and also the air around the room, the soothing music is also played for a complete relaxation.
Both wet and dry food is given to the cat as per its preferences. A veterinary doctor who can take care of your cat in emergency is available round the clock at cat accommodation. Any special medication required by the cat will be given to it without fail so that its health is always at its peak.
Your cat will get indulgence similar to when it is at home. The staff cleans their eyes and ears, and they are treated with aromatic shampoos. Their coat of hair is dried with soft warm air jets so that they look their best at all times. After being pampered in this way, they sometimes do not want to leave cat accommodation with their owners when the time comes to go home.
The cat is one of the most wonderful creatures on the earth, many people like to have a cat in their home. They are always worried about their cat when they are planning to go out of the station. But don’t worry, in this situation you can find the best cat accommodation where your kitty will be treated as you are doing at your home.
Cats are not supposed to be shampooed. It strips their natural oils. Why do people insist on treating cats like dogs?